Friday, August 8, 2014

More Answered Prayers and our 1st IUI

After sharing every detail of the good news with my husband the other night regarding our waiting follicles we debated going for an IUI (inter-uterine insemination) or trying ourselves. We weighed the pros (this might be the step that will get us our baby) and the cons (it isn't cheap) and decided that I am still on Summer break and it might be the best time because I am still relaxed and can be calm the next couple weeks while we wait, so we decided to go for it.

It was a good thing too, since it was already scheduled, and I wouldn't have to call to cancel it. Wednesday evening I gave myself the trigger shot (induces ovulation), which was simple and quick. Yesterday we were filled with prayers as my step grandmother passed away and my husbands grandfather had to go into surgery to remove a mass from his back, which is probably cancerous, and of course for our upcoming IUI.

My specific prayers were that my husband would be able to give a good sample for the procedure and that it wouldn't hurt too much when the procedure was done on me. I was very concerned because a previous fertility procedure was very painful. Of course, I also prayed that this IUI would be the start of our family.

Just as I had prayed, my husband's sample was perfect and very good. The procedure on me was also almost painless, the nurse was very careful. So, more prayers answered! We won't know the outcome of the last prayer for a couple more weeks though, but you better believe we will continue to pray.

After the procedure today I went to a yard sale at my favorite place in Coopersville. At this house they collect old trinkets and frames, desks, chairs, and just about anything that can be turned into something cute. I was able to get a jar for a classroom project for .25. I also picked up a wooden sign that said BAKERY on it and the tiniest, little dutch tea set which sits on a shelf by the kitchen sink.

So, besides a little cramping I am doing well, and feeling hopeful.


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